for out in the world you'll find
Success begins with a fellows will
it's all in the state of mind"
Trying to develop the right mindset can always be worked on. I guess its always overlooked by many athletes.
Well how do you train the mind? Its similar to my earlier entry - Power of Belief. Another way of training the mind is putting yourself in a stressful situation, a competition, a street fight (don't go picking fights) and trying to overcome the demons which whisper in your ear... "You aint going to win this", "Pull out now when you can", "You've dug yourself in a hole"...etc All these thoughts can be vanquished by constant positive thought, mental focus and end goal.
I remember a quote I heard a while back...
"Mind over matter, if you don't mind, it doesn't matter "
Stay positive guys. Ain't no hurdle big enough or to difficult to overcome