Tuesday, 20 August 2019


Never was part of the herd
Preferring only his voice to be heard

Never was in the class a nerd
Imagination free as a bird

Never chased fame and a glorified name
Never was part of that game

Grafting always on a different scene
Hear about him the unseen

Vices and crises obstacles to the path
In the depth of the nights
Turn to Him in tears, beads and pray

Thursday, 11 April 2019

Brexit Black Hole

So the Brexit saga continues. What a pertinent time the black hole was pictured! As it looks exactly like Brexit, unknown. Everything is up in the air. And the conspiracy theorist that I am, why is this all seeming so oddly Un-British. An empire in disarray and in chaos, is this what it has come to after all the past glory? or is there another twist to this tale. Wish there was someone well informed that could enlighten me. Anyway to the funnier side of things. Got a cool e mail from Revolut below,(which if you haven't heard of is a brilliant virtual bank  good for travelers and money savers like me) about this whole Brexit madness.

You're probably Reesly sick of hearing about Brexit by now. We understand. It's all very Merkely and confusing.

We're sorry to Boris you with more Brexit stuff, but please don't send this email to your Juncker folder. We have an important message you May want to hear.

For now, all our politicians have stopped having a Barnier about what deal to sign. This is good news. It means that you'll stay as part of our UK entity for the foreseeable future, and that you don’t need to do anything on your side for now. There's a Chancellor this will change in the future, but we will keep you up to date as developments continue.

Lovely play with words! I reckon you'll only understand this if you're well informed!

Sunday, 10 February 2019

Fuel the Self

One of the best phrases I heard the other day from someone addressing Narcissism.
‘Visibility doesn't equal worth’

In an age where we are constantly fed the Latin saying of 'Let he who shouts the loudest be heard first' and me, myself and I and think about yourself first, I think there's a pertinent story about an award winning farmer and the key to success.

A newspaper reporter interviewed a farmer who grew Award-Winning Maize. He entered his maize in the Agricultural Show each year.

It was revealed that the farmer shared his seed with his neighbours.
Amazed, the reporter asked, _*“How can you afford to share your best seed with your neighbours when they are entering their maize into the competition with yours each year?”*_
The farmer smiled knowingly and explained, ​ *_“The wind picks up pollen from the ripening maize and swirls it from field to field.​ If my neighbours grow inferior maize, Cross-Pollination will steadily degrade the quality of my maize. If I am to grow good maize, I must help my neighbours grow a good crop."_*
So it is with our lives. Those who want to live meaningfully and well, must help enrich the lives of others, for the value of a life, is measured by the lives it touches.
Those who choose to be happy, must help others find happiness, for the welfare of each is bound up with the welfare of all.
Call it power of collectivity
Call it a principle of success.
Call it a law of life.
The fact remains, none of us truly wins, until we all win.
Just as the Prophet (ص) said, *_"You cannot be a true believer untill you like for your brother what you like for yourself."_*
Know this secret as you grow!
In life, when you help the people around you to be good, you surely become the better too.
Live in the shadows and be the grey man, the motto in life. :)