Thursday, 6 December 2012

Power of Belief - Roger Gracie

“What do you think it is that makes you better than the average top level Jiu-Jitsu guy?” 

“Everything in life from martial arts to business. Why so many people do something and very few achieve the best? Because they are the ones who really believe.” 

Above are extracts from an interview with Roger Gracie, an athlete at the very top of his game. He also mentioned in the interview that training aids in becoming the best. Train with the best and always beat them on the mat. But the key thing he emphasizes is total belief in the winner and not having an ounce of doubt as to who the victorious one will be. I really need to get this engrained in me! 


  1. Another good vid to check out if you haven't seen it already... The Art of Sparring by Rener Gracie:

  2. Beebun has some of these quotes up in the gym... Brilliant!
