Monday, 5 June 2017


Inspired on an Austrian peak
It's been a while... a year! I was locked out of my account and despite numerous attempts I couldn't log back in... was really frustrating, but I've had a break-though this week! It was one one of those days where I had time on my hands. I decided to give it another try to log in and lo and behold! the security system finally allowed me access! Has anyone else had issues with this overprotective security procedure on Google?

Back to the topic of the blog.... A wise man once said to me, "What form a man are 3: prison, war and being estranged. If you don't experience these then you are simply a 'mummy's boy'" How true this saying is. Not to say that you aspire to go to prison, but sometimes there is a higher plan where you are placed in a unwanted situation to prepare you for the future. The experience of Yusuf AS in prison is often referred to as 'مدرسة يوسف' - the school of Yusuf . He was placed in there through no fault of his own and it was there that people got to know of his gift of interpreting dreams. This is what subsequently released him from prison.

One such person who has experienced these three situation is someone I wrote about back in 2012 after he was extradited to the US to face trial. His blog is also one of the reasons that prodded me to trying to access my blog again... He is a true inspiration and he has a very beneficial, enjoyable and informative blog. I read all the entries in a few days! Hope to meet him again one day inshallah! Access it here...

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