Monday 27 February 2023


So infrequent has it been since I’ve posted, it's as if Corona had hit this blog! But we all know the tech world is safe from this virus… or is it?  With the advent of the metaverse and AI taking on new dimension, we may soon have a virtual outbreak!

In short, ill I’ll say it like every company’s recorded message, “due the recent outbreak we apologize for the delay (or my in our case a lack of blog posts recently) please hold while we answer your call! 

Three big events/occurrences in 2022, the first and most devasting was the death of my father. The backbone to any persons life. A part of you never really is the same again. You only realise this once the person is gone from your life and words cant describe the emotions and feelings that a person goes through. You can never really prepare for a close ones death and you'd always live with some sort of regret, the should've, could've and would’ve. But faith teaches you to cope with deaths and the words we utter are ‘To Allah we belong and to Him we return’. Such profound words give solace to a heart who knows that eternally, it was never yours to have and it has returned back to its owner. Coupled with this and the longing to meet a person again and the belief you will ultimately do so in the hereafter gives an unimaginable sense of ease.

I wrote a short piece on the life of my dad which you can read here. Friends and family also raised some charity in honour of my dad. A well and a Mosque in Uganda should be nearing completion and Ill post pictures as soon as they are available.

The other two important events in my life, ill post in due course (hopefully not next year) and I’m sure you’ll find them interesting!

Milestones in life, live and learn from them. 

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